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Text File
361 lines
(C) Copyright 1993 Brian McKiernan
Emerald City Software
June 1, 1993
The program "BOMB SQUAD", its source code, object code, all
supporting files, and all manuals on disk or on paper are (C)
Copyright 1993 Brian McKiernan - All Rights Reserved.
This program is provided "as is" and is without warranty of any
kind, either expressed or implied, including but not limited to the
implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular
purpose. No liability shall be assumed for direct or consequential
damage alleged to be caused directly or indirectly by use of this
program or its documentation.
Many people who have the most popular of the "graphical user
interface" operating systems installed on their computers told me
what a great time they have with one of the games that comes with
it. I tried the game, and sure enough it was pretty neat. However,
I don't have that "graphical user interface" installed on my computer
(and since I have a '286 with "only" 2 meg of RAM, I probably never
will). But I do have a mouse, A VGA monitor and nothing to do after
midnight, so I wrote BOMB SQUAD.
The object of the game is simple. There are a certain number of
"bombs" hidden in a 9 row by 27 column playing field. Your job is
to make the playing field safe for humanity by marking the location
of each of the bombs without setting one off.
This program requires an IBM PC, AT or compatible computer. It
will display in either CGA (color text) mode or VGA mode. The
program checks to see what type of monitor you are using, and should
adjust its display accordingly. I have not tested the program on
any monochrome monitors as yet, but I suspect it will work on most
of them. At this time, you must have a Microsoft-compatible mouse
to be able to use the program. If the program does not detect a
mouse driver, it will alert you and then end.
Bomb Squad, v 1.1 (C) Copyright 1993 Brian McKiernan Page 1
The following files should be found on the distribution disk:
BS.EXE............The program itself.
FASTTIME.DTA......A text file containing the fastest times
for each level.
BS.DOC............This documentation file
README.1ST........A short text file that explains what to do
GO.BAT............A batch file to get new users started.
BS.HLP............A text file that is displayed when you click
on "Instructions" at the opening screen.
I wholeheartedly recommend that you make a backup copy of all the
files on the distribution disk before you do anything else. I've
had enough data mysteriously disappear over the years that I'm
beginning to wonder if you can back up often enough. See your DOS
manual for instructions on how to COPY, DISKCOPY or XCOPY.
To run the program from a floppy disk, insert your backup copy of
the distribution disk in drive A (or B). At the A prompt (or B
prompt) type BS and press <ENTER>.
To install the program on a hard disk, simply create a directory on
the hard disk and copy all the files from the floppy disk to that
directory. The following example assumes that your hard disk drive
is designated "C" and your floppy disk drive is "A". Type the
C: <ENTER> ( Change current drive to C )
MD \BOMBS <ENTER> ( Create BOMBS directory )
CD \BOMBS <ENTER> ( Change directory to BOMBS )
( Insert floppy disk in drive A )
COPY A:\*.* <ENTER> ( Copy all files to hard disk )
BS <ENTER> ( Start the program )
Bomb Squad, v 1.1 (C) Copyright 1993 Brian McKiernan Page 2
After you've started the game and passed the opening screen,
you'll be asked to select how many bombs you want to have in the
playing field. Since the size of the playing field stays the same,
you make the game more or less difficult by hiding more or fewer
bombs. You can select either a fixed number of bombs (10, 20, 30,
40 or 50), or you can let the computer select a random number of
bombs in the range of 20-50.
After you've selected the number of bombs you want, the game board
will be drawn and the game timer will start. You have two options
with each square on the game board. You can either "clear" the
square (that is, mark it as having NO bomb) or mark the square as
having a bomb. To "clear" a square, place the mouse cursor over it
and click the left mouse button. If there is no bomb under it, you
can continue. If there is a bomb under that square, the game is
over and you'll be given a chance to play again.
Many times when you "clear" a square, you'll see a number in it.
That number indicates how many bombs (total) are in the eight
squares around the one with the number. In the example below,
the square in the middle has been "cleared" and you know that there
are two bombs somewhere in the eight squares around the middle.
The number 2 doesn't tell you where the bombs are, just that there
are two of them. But, by clearing a few more squares you can
probably figure out where the bombs really are and mark those squares
(if you don't blow yourself up first).
| | | |
| | | |
In the second example (below), there is only one uncleared square
touching a cleared square that has a 1 in it. That tells you that
the uncleared square has to be a bomb. (This is easy, isn't it?).
Bomb Squad, v 1.1 (C) Copyright 1993 Brian McKiernan Page 3
| | | |
| | |X|
| |1| |
| | | |
| | | |
Once you've figured out where you think a bomb is located, you can
"mark" that square by placing the mouse cursor on it and clicking
the right mouse button. When you do this, a black and red marker
will appear in that square to remind you that you've marked it as
a bomb. But be careful, just because you've marked a square as
having a bomb doesn't mean that you've defused the bomb. If you
mistakenly press the left mouse button while the cursor is over a
marked square you'll blow up and the game will end.
If you mark a square as having bomb, but later decide that it
really doesn't have a bomb, you can "unmark" the square by placing
the mouse cursor over it and pressing the right mouse button again.
If you click the left mouse button to "clear" a square that does
not have any bombs touching it, no number will appear in that square
and all the remaining uncleared squares surrounding it will be
cleared. If you notice other squares touching that one that don't
have any numbers in them, you can simply hold down on the left mouse
button and "drag" the mouse cursor through those squares to clear
them. But, be careful. If you accidentally drag the cursor over
a square that has a bomb, you'll blow up.
To get a printed copy of this file, you should be able to type
COPY BS.DOC PRN from the DOS prompt.
Bomb Squad, v 1.1 (C) Copyright 1993 Brian McKiernan Page 4
If you have questions about the operation of the program, if there
is a problem with its operation, or if you have suggestions about
this program or any other topic, please feel free to contact me by
letter or modem.
U.S. Mail: Brian McKiernan
Emerald City Software
Box 2052
Kansas City, KS 66110-2052
Modem: If you have a modem, you can contact me on the following
bulletin boards and information services:
CompuServe: E-mail address = 71332,2747
GEnie: E-mail address = B.MCKIERNAN
The program "Bomb Squad" is NOT a free program. If you continue
to play the game beyond a 30-day evaluation period, you must
register your copy. The purchase price is $10.00 (payable by check
or money order to Emerald City Software). The purchase price
includes the latest version of the program, discounts on future
upgrades to the program, and notice of the release of other programs
from Emerald City Software.
To register your copy of Bomb Squad, please mail your check or
money order for $10.00 to:
Emerald City Software
Box 2052
Kansas City, KS 66110-2052
This is a copyrighted program. However, you are encouraged to
share unmodified copies of this program (and all supporting files)
with anyone and everyone you like.
Bomb Squad, v 1.1 (C) Copyright 1993 Brian McKiernan Page 5
Bomb Squad, v 1.1
Name _____________________________________________________________
Address __________________________________________________________
City ________________________________ State ______ Zip ___________
Disk Size: 5-1/4" __________ 3-1/2" __________
Where did you get this copy of Bomb Squad? ________________________
Do you have any comments or suggestions? __________________________
Mail this form with a check or money order for $10.00 to:
Emerald City Software
P.O. Box 2052
Kansas City, KS 66110-2052
Bomb Squad, v 1.1 (C) Copyright 1993 Brian McKiernan Page 6